Why do football players like Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Erling Haaland regularly expose their bodies to sunlight?
Because they already know that sunlight is key to performance and recovery.

Sunlight is arguably the most important thing for athletes to achieve and recover from. It plays a key role in muscle/fascial structure and mitochondrial function, which directly impact optimal health/motor performance.
If we start with the most logical argument, we can point to the circadian rhythm, the body's biological clock.
Circadian Rhythm

Circadian rhythm refers to the periodic changes and hormonal responses that occur in our bodies in response to the regular changes of day and night .
Circadian rhythm, our biological clock, controls processes that are important for the production of serotonin , dopamine , growth hormone , testosterone , and other hormones essential for health and motor function.
Above all, it controls the production of the hormone melatonin , which is essential for sleep quality, recovery after intense exercise, and anti -aging .
The sun fluctuates throughout the day, with important processes to complete and new processes to begin.
However, blue light , which is a distorted light source rather than natural light , is the factor that has the greatest negative impact on circadian rhythm.
As you might expect, this has devastating effects on sleep depth , dopamine formation , and bioenergy (ATP) production .
Next, let's read a quote from Dr Jack Kruse :
Muscle quality and fiber type are greatly influenced by early childhood exposure to sunlight. Morning sunlight, which is a transition between ultraviolet A (UVA) and infrared A (IRA) light, directly stimulates dopamine release. This is one of the processes by which dopamine is made from aromatic amino acids (AAA). Dopamine builds muscle in the form of fibers.
Morning sunlight produces the highest levels of dopamine. Usain Bolt lives on top of a volcano in Jamaica. The higher the human body is above the ground, the more UV radiation it receives. The darker the skin, the higher the redox . Kenyans live in Nairobi, which is 1 degree north of the supervolcano. They have the darkest skin to protect their skin from UV rays. The UV index in Nairobi is 14-15. This is why they have the best fiber type for long distance running. Most of the top 20 NFL players went to schools in the southeastern United States. Muscle fiber type is related to your physiology and the amount of sun exposure you received as a child.
Infrared is the fastest way to create solar callus, allowing more UV rays to be safely and effectively absorbed.
- Dr Jack Kruse
(Dr. Jack Cruz is an American neurosurgeon and phytogeographer .
He is the one who taught me the most about all of LUCIER's internal energy.)
What we can learn from this is that the functions of the human body can be shaped by the environment in which we live during childhood. Sunlight near the equator and living at high altitudes means a lot more UV, and more UV signals the body to maximize its motor skills to suit the circumstances of the environment.
This explains why countless world-class athletes grew up in environments where they could build their physical foundation by exercising outdoors every day , rather than spending their childhood indoors on computers .
Vitamin D
Contrary to popular belief, vitamin D is actually more of a hormone than a vitamin.
Vitamin D is not a vitamin in the usual sense. Most natural diets, except for raw fatty fish, contain little vitamin D. Also, activated vitamin D is a secosteroid hormone or antioxidant. The vitamin D steroid system traditionally originates in the skin, not the mouth. Skin production from indirect ultraviolet B (UVB) light from sunlight, not dietary intake, is the primary source of circulating human vitamin D stores.
Vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. Vitamin D deficiency is a serious problem, and many people and athletes are sabotaging their health and performance by living an indoor lifestyle.
Vitamin D is essential for physical growth, calcium absorption, and skeletal development. Vitamin D is rarely found in the natural diet.
Vitamin D also affects muscle performance. This means strength, balance, reaction speed, etc. This proves how vitamin D alone can increase motor skills.
Improve performance and prevent potential injuries
In the early 20th century, despite the limited and lack of clear evidence at the time, many athletes and trainers believed that ultraviolet B radiation enhanced athletic performance. Mounting evidence supports a functional role for vitamin D in skeletal muscle, and young athletes who are deficient in it are at risk for poor performance and potential injury.
Increased sprinting ability and muscle strength "Attention, Hell Window" If you don't get enough sunlight, you will lose muscle mass.
Taken together, these results suggest that vitamin D levels are related to the evaluation of sprinting ability and muscle strength expressed as Vo2max in professional soccer players , and these data can reaffirm the importance of serum vitamin D levels.
With limited exposure to sunlight, the quality of fast-twitch muscle fibers decreases.
Ultimately, it can be concluded that maximizing the body's vitamin D levels is one of the most important things for any athlete.
This means getting as much sunlight as possible, for as long as possible, on as many parts of your body as possible.
It also means avoiding sunglasses, sunscreen, and clothing that covers too much of the skin, as they go against the natural laws of nature and prevent proper absorption of sunlight.

Melatonin is produced by sunlight in the morning , and then secreted in response to lack of light (darkness) at night.
Melatonin switches our bodies into nighttime, digestion, and recovery mode. It is produced primarily in the pineal gland, but also in the eyes. Blue light at night suppresses melatonin, which means it has a negative impact on recovery and regeneration.
Melatonin is the main antioxidant and antagonist of cortisol. Good levels of melatonin at night help prevent long-term cancer development and boost immunity. It also helps lower estrogen levels. High melatonin levels naturally lower body temperature for sleep, allowing mitochondria to store bioenergy (ATP) for the next day.

Melanopsin is affected by blue light between 435 nm and 465 nm, while melatonin is affected by light up to 550 nm. This is why blue light blocking glasses must block up to 550 nm meters, which is the end point of blue and green light.
All transparent blue light blocking glasses in the country do not block the entire range of blue light.
LUCIER glasses are humbly proud to be the only product on the market that completely blocks blue light.
Darkness at night is also important for athletic performance, as it flows with the duality of nature.
The darker the night, the better. Complete darkness allows the body to enter deep recovery mode, which is the most important part of recovery.
Just as bears hibernate in caves during the winter, and most of their physical changes occur while they sleep. (Source)
Melatonin supplements destroy the UV receptors that are needed to function properly during the day.
All sleep aids, including melatonin supplements, come with long-term costs.
Dark nights, it's important for all athletes to remember that this is a habit they should prioritize above any other recovery exercise or routine.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a hormone that transmits information between nerve cells in the brain.
Dopamine causes cellular changes that can affect happiness in a number of ways. It plays a role in many everyday behaviors, including how we move, feel, and eat.
Dopamine is most responsible for feelings of pleasure and well-being , and helps with movement, learning, memory, and positive emotions.
Dopamine is the basis of overwhelming confidence that makes the body move faster. Sprinters in the northern United States are no match for those in the South. Why does Florida produce twice as many elite sprinters as Illinois? I think the difference in speed is related to sunlight and dopamine. The minimum exposure time to sunlight is 30 to 60 minutes, but the more the better. Sunlight also promotes vitamin D production, increases testosterone levels, and helps with deep sleep. We evolved to live in natural light for 35,000 years. Now, too many people live with artificial light.
-Track coach Tony Holler
All screen devices use blue light to project images. Blue light is very stimulating to dopamine receptors. Blue light from the screen creates a tremendous sense of pleasure. That's why iPhones are so addictive.
-Physical Trainer Christian Thibaudeau
Sunlight , rather than artificial light indoors, uses aromatic amino acids that absorb ultraviolet rays to create dopamine, which in turn creates hormones like cortisol.
-Dr Jack Kruse
Cell phone use increases the AMP-k pathway, which regulates glucose metabolism and opens the blood-brain barrier. And the dopamine reward system is adversely affected by bright screen porn, computer games, bright screens, etc. This is the real reason why mobile phone addiction started around 2008. From 3G to 4G and now 5G, screen devices that show off blue light increase blood glucose levels and destroy dopamine. This is why we are literally addicted to our phones.
Modern lifestyles are full of artificial dopamine-boosting activities like social media, processed foods, and pornography , which disrupts the dopamine reward system. As a result, activities like real sex, exercise, and being in nature are not performed smoothly.
-Dr Jack Kruse
What we can understand here is that if we overstimulate dopamine through artificial blue light, electromagnetic waves, porn, processed foods, etc. We lose stimulation in important parts of life, such as sunlight, exercise, and socializing with friends, which are dopamine receptors that need to occur in real life !
This also explains why players who appear fast and strong appear more alive and energetic.
This means that their dopamine receptors are functioning optimally.

Health is more complex than just calories.
The body is not made up of just carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Many people and athletes get caught up in the swamp of measuring protein grams and daily calories, and fail to see the essence of health.
If we look inside the human body, we can see electrons and protons, and even light and consciousness.
Whatever you think, you need to know that health is more than just the nutrition facts on the back of processed foods .
Mitochondria produce their own extremely low frequency ultraviolet (ELF-UV) light to communicate with each other . This is an internal energy system that can be nurtured or regressed depending on physical and mental circumstances.
To understand mitochondria, we need to go inside the cells of our body.
Mitochondria are, simply put, the engine cells of the human body. What we don’t learn in modern medicine is how mitochondria are controlled and changed by the environment, and how they affect health and athletic performance.
The best example to think about mitochondria, the engine cells, is to imagine a car.
Food is fuel, Mitochondria are the engine.
What will play a more central role?
Best Gasoline? Or Tuned Engine?
No matter how good the fuel is, if the engine is broken and rusty, the fuel doesn't matter.
Without healthy mitochondria, your blood and organs are less able to transmit the hormones they need to each other , which means your body won't function as well as it should.
-Dr Jack Kruse
People with optimized mitochondria have high Redox . Redox is how well the mitochondria in your body can perform the functions necessary for life. Your Redox is how well the engine of your body is working.
(Reduction, Oxidation = Redox)
Directly or indirectly, all top level athletes, regardless of sport, have optimal mitochondrial function , which means their redox is very high and efficient.
And the thing that has the greatest impact on mitochondrial function is light .
Light controls and directs all biological functions in the body.
There are four light receptors in the body.
Sunlight plays a major role in transmitting information to the human body through all of these light receptors, correcting bodily functions, curing the root cause of illness, and achieving and maintaining optimal health!

Infrared (Red Light)
Red light, also known as infrared, is a specific type of light with a wavelength between approximately 620 nm and 750 nm.
The most scientifically proven infrared wavelengths are 630 nm and 660 nm. Near-infrared light starts at 750 nm and extends to 1200 nm. The most scientifically proven near-infrared wavelengths to have the most beneficial effects on the human body are 810 nm, 830 nm, and 850 nm .
As is often seen in Oriental medicine clinics, treatment is often done with an infrared irradiator to benefit from the red wavelength of sunlight, which is the healing light.
What is essentially happening here is that the power of the sun is being studied, refined and used for the healing and restoration of the body.
The main source of infrared radiation is natural sunlight , especially visible at sunrise and sunset .
Red light ( infrared, near-infrared, far-infrared ) is considered a healing color among the many rays in sunlight. There is a growing body of research on the positive benefits of infrared exposure.
Increases oxygen intake and helps reduce body fat
Improving Futsal Players’ Performance with Infrared
Infrared waves that help improve physical strength
Increased speed and power through infrared therapy
Infrared helps recover muscle damage in high-level soccer players
Faster injury recovery with infrared therapy
It helps a lot in bone recovery.
How can we put this knowledge into practice?
You should spend as much time outdoors as possible. Infrared waves are not just a wavelength range that is visible at sunset and sunrise, they are always present. That is why it is important to prioritize exposure to sunlight on your skin, and even use infrared irradiators to help your body heal and recover from the inside out, which can be very effective!
UV light
As we learned from the UV stigma , UV plays an essential role in our body, contrary to popular belief. UV is part of the invisible light range of 10 nm to 400 nm . To make it easier to understand, let's talk about the actual wavelength ranges, UVA (UVA) 315 nm to 400 nm and UVB (UVB) 280 nm to 315 nm.

As most of you know, UV rays have been blamed for causing cancer and other health problems for decades. I am sure this is completely exaggerated and based on either deliberate or misleading research findings.
The sun, and especially its UV rays, are vilified because they support a multi-billion dollar industry of sunscreens, vitamin D supplements, and are an easy scapegoat for the underlying causes of cancer, such as artificial blue light and industrially processed foods.
Many of the studies that are being conducted to find out the problem with UV are done in labs with artificially isolated UV rays, not in the full spectrum of sunlight. As we have learned, there is a price to be paid when we segment or isolate nature. All elements of nature, including sunlight, work in a holistic manner.
In the past, Soviet sports scientists “doped” Olympic athletes with ultraviolet light to enhance their performance.
There is also a historical fact that ultraviolet rays have been widely used not only to enhance motor skills and performance, but also to maintain good health and physical condition among the general public.
If you raise livestock indoors, they will gain weight very quickly, and this can be the same for humans who stay away from light. So if you want to lose weight or build muscle, you need to expose your body to the sun regularly.
[Gift of Sunlight]
Testosterone, also known as the androgen, is a hormone that plays a key biological role in the bodies of men and women alike.
The study found that exposure to UV light caused a significant increase in testosterone levels that did not return to baseline levels for more than a week. The amount of increase was also found to be related to the area of skin exposed to UV light. When the researchers exposed the chest and back of the men, they found that baseline testosterone levels increased by nearly 120%.
However, the most significant increase in testosterone occurred when the participants’ testicles were exposed to UV light. This resulted in a more than 200% increase in baseline testosterone levels. This study shows that increasing testosterone levels is a natural, legal way to maximize performance, and is a good tool for elite athletes.
The reason why this type of knowledge is not often exposed to mainstream medicine and the media is simple.
There is not much profit to be made by countless supplement companies and health businesses that insist that you get enough sunlight. They want you to rely on expensive supplements and nutrients, not that their primary goal is to help you achieve real change through sunlight and nature.
A small number of athletes also do not bother to come forward and share this information in order to gain an advantage over their competitors.
For optimal health and athletic performance, it is recommended to expose as much of your body to sunlight as possible. This is one of the reasons why top level athletes are naturally fit .
You'll find that kids who are relatively bigger and more muscular than their peers, even without spending a lot of time in the gym, have very high levels of hormones like testosterone, which we mentioned.
Holistic Metamorphosis
So far, we have discussed in detail the importance of sunlight and how it has a major impact on motor neurons.
From the importance of our biological rhythms, called circadian rhythms, to how essential hormones like vitamin D, melatonin and dopamine are affected by sunlight,
We also learned about mitochondria, the engine cells of the human body, and about the important ultraviolet and infrared rays in sunlight .
To sum up...
There may have been some difficult content to understand, but what you absolutely need to know through this article is,
The truth is that sunlight and nature are designed to make our bodies healthy and strong.
You should spend as much time in the sunlight as possible, morning and afternoon.
You can maximize the speed of recovery by exposing the injured area to more sunlight.
Indoors, protect your eyes and body from harmful artificial blue light with LUCIER day lenses.
After the sun goes down, you should wear LUCIER night lenses to effectively block artificial blue and green light emitted from smartphones and computers, thereby improving recovery , injury prevention , performance , and most importantly, sleep quality for athletes.
This will have a tremendous long-term impact on athletes’ performance and overall health .
“Look deep inside the nature & you will understand everything better“
-Albert Einstein
